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If Biden’s Lockdowns Work How Explain 2021 Toll?

President Biden on Tuesday is expected to double down on stringent anti-COVID measures to “shut down” the Omicron variant surge & despite WSJ op ed’s “Fickle ‘Science’ of Lockdowns” warning of its inevitable futility. Especially given the 2021 Covid-19 death toll?

As authors Phillip Magness & Peter Earle argued, “Experts foresaw before Covid that the strategy would fail. The authorities embraced it anyway.” They noted how “Follow the Science” has been the “battle cry of lockdown supporters since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Yet before March 2020, the mainstream scientific community, including the World Health Organization, strongly opposed lockdowns & similar measures against infectious disease.” Magness & Earle say that “judgment came from historical analysis of pandemics & an awareness that ‘forced’ society-wide restrictions have severe socioeconomic costs & almost entirely speculative benefits”; way back in 2006, in fact, WHO concluded” forced isolation & quarantine are ineffective & impractical.”

So, what happened to change the “game plan” in 2020 and led us down a possible Covid rabbit hole? The authors essentially point the finger at an influential pandemic computer “model” from Imperial College of London in April of that year that forecast dire consequences that could supposedly be fought by a draconian lockdown effort, starting with event cancellations & ending in school & business closures. It was the NY Times that agreed, opining the report “jarred the US & UK to action” … i.e., of the wrong kind because the model had “recycled a decades-old influenza model that was noticeably deficient in its scientific assumptions.” Well, some might disagree. Yet, 2021 saw more Covid-19 deaths than 2020. Doesn’t THAT speak volumes?

Davd Soul


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