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If Only “Dr” Jill Biden Was A Geriatrics Expert?

If only “Dr” Jill Biden was a doctor of geriatrics rather than English & whose agenda, a CNN correspondent conceded after 100 days in the WH, still wasn’t clear … Let’s cut to the chase: Our No. 46 First Lady’s main function has been to assure us her husband isn’t senile, much the way Melania Trump’s Job No. 1 was to reflect her street brawling No. 45’s sweeter side.

Both Jill & Melania might be given an “A” for effort in making their presidential husbands look better than they sometimes sounded. And it’s not that the liberal MSM isn’t trying to make Jill look like Cleopatra as hard as it tried to make Melania look like Madame Thernardier. As one CNN headline said back in February she’s “hit the ground running” … but to where exactly? The First Lady still works “full-time” teaching writing at a Virginia community college. And, she’s appeared in various fashion spreads. But USA Today’s “How ‘Dr. B’ is transforming an antiquated FLOTUS role” may be more telling than its editors thought. They said she was going to be an advocate for “inclusiveness” & perhaps she is, but who’d have thought a country would mostly get a FLOTUS with a doctorate playing nurse maid?

As CNN & USA Today noted early on (albeit mimicking the WH website), Dr. Biden generally wants to advance “cancer research” & “education” as well as “support for military families,” all worthy goals. The danger with the highly politicized “education” & military parts to that equation, though, has been & still is that SHE gets caught up even more in Joe’s woeful performance on stage. For instance, she’s apparently for “critical race theory” being taught in our elementary schools like Joe does. Does she also think the fired military personnel for not getting vaccinated like her husband demanded is a wise, family-friendly thing? As a shaky Joe can’t forever dodge the WH press corps, "advocate" Jill may eventually have to come out of the classroom & answer the tough Qs for him.

Davd Soul


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