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If Silent Majority Still Rules, Is Joke On Ranting Rads?

What if Middle America still Rules? Will the Biden Administration have the wisdom to devise & act on centrist policies accordingly?

Does anybody in DC’s toxically partisan environment grasp that the U.S. Senate is now 50-50 after the last election? Or, that POTUS was decided by a 1%-ish margin? Even in the DC area’s heartland most acquaintances of all stripes I’ve kept in touch with are expressing (albeit in private) positive, unifying messages & refusing the rad vengeance mentality dominating the MSM. Most concede it is hard to even watch/read the “news” today.

Any wonder most Americans polled recently still think Congress is a joke, the MSM is biasedly untrustworthy? Or that the Silent Majority overwhelmingly rejects socialism and agree that open borders is a bad thing or that the last election’s rules were changed by local officials to favor one candidate? Wonder why House Speaker Pelosi is suddenly hedging on a 2d impeachment trial and Mr. Biden is hedging on waving new caravans into the country?

Davd Soul


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