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Illegal Entry Into US Still Grounds For Deportation?

A federal judge now strikes down Biden Admin’s handcuffing ICE arrests with ridiculous “rule” eliminating “illegal entry” into the US as a reason to deport them. Someone please tell Joe that Congress makes the rules?

Someone first tell DHS Sec Mayorkas he CANNOT unilaterally change immigration law to fit his radical left agenda? In January, you may recall, Mayorkas announced in a CBS News interview: “For the time ever, our policy explicitly states that a non-citizen’s unlawful presence in the United States will not, by itself, be a basis for the initiation of an enforcement action.” Texas Judge Drew Tipton in a lawsuit by Texas & La, however, said Mayorkas is offering “an implausible construction of federal law that flies in the face of the limitations imposed by Congress. True, the Executive Branch has case-by-case discretion to abandon immigration enforcement as to a particular individual. This case, however … is about a rule that binds DHS officials in a generalized, prospective manner – all in contravention of Congress’s detention mandate.”

In other words, Team Biden, appealing the ruling, just can’t make up policies & rules willy nilly & especially without Congress’s authorization. It’s the latest judicial chastisement for the president, i.e., after a federal court in La also struck down his attempts to end Title 42, which allows ICE to expel migrants at the border for public health aka Covid-19 reasons.

Davd Soul


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