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Independents Get Black & White Results Count

Independents know better than to blindly follow ANY political party, but especially laughable to a discerning person is Wa Po’s hit piece arguing the GOP is now a “White Christian Nationalism” movement, i.e., considering how the Dems are & have always been run mostly by WHITES. Let us count the ways…

Perhaps start with the current Biden Administration’s economic “brain trust” that’s (no surprise) headed by Bernie Sanders & Liz Warren who tout a very white man’s Marxist policies but also push the nation headlong into “globalization” that can be a good thing, if it only wasn’t bankrupting us and making foreigners (as well as themselves and corporate allies) rich. Saving the environment from these globalists is, ironically, in the hands of globalist John Kerry who keeps changing the date of doomsday, i.e., to just beyond the next election. Think, too, the Democratic Party’s obsession with abortion & the public funding of Planned Parenthood that was founded by “eugenics” advocate Margaret Sanger; forget the arguably racist notions in that bogus theory, but just look at where Planned Parenthood has most of its abortion clinics and the numbing number of wanna-be Black children who will never see the light of day. Meanwhile, it’s a white Merrick Garland who is in charge of overseeing “justice” in America as our inner cities burn & are victimized by a record-breaking murder rate. Did we mention how the rate of Blacks dying from Covid exceeded that of whites under Anthony Fauci’s watch?

We could go on. But, the point is, Independent thinkers need to stay vigilant on disinformation like the Wa Po opinion piece … and keep asking what are the RESULTS of a given policy or movement, not the rhetoric behind it.

Davd Soul


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