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Inexperienced Only Apply 4 Team Biden?

Study says President Biden’s hiring policy for fed bureaucracy reveals a shocking lack of business experience, but maybe another study needed on Team’s ideology & biases to help explain foolish decisions …

The WSJ’s editorial board was aghast after finding from a forthcoming study that “Senior Administration officials have spent little time in the private economy.” How little? “Average business experience of Biden appointees is only 2.4 years,” the study's authors, Stephen Moore & Joe Decker, found. Yet, “any fresh-faced 25-yr-old on Wall Street has clocked more private business hours than most of Washington’s top officials". In fact, 62% of Team Biden have “virtually no business experience.” By contrast, the average Donald Trump cabinet official had “13 years of experience in the private economy.”

Concluded the editors: “Some familiarity with business is especially important given that President Biden & VP Kamala Harris have spent their lives in law or politics. But the authors found that Biden economic officialdom is dominated by careers in law (20), politics & government (21), & academia or policy-making (12). The main business experience is in venture capital or investing (5).” Any takers on a bet as to what percentage are political progressives vs conservatives?

Davd Soul


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