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Infernal Fusion Smashed ala “Inferno”?

Scientists claim to have made a major if not historical breakthrough in fusion energy by producing more energy from reaction than consumed. If true, fiction writer Dan Brown gets as much cred as HG Wells? Bye-bye fossil fuels?

As Fox Business noted, “Scientists have been struggling to harness the fusion reaction that powers the Sun for more than half a century” and it was once thought impossible, at least, until author Brown made it a center piece of his best-selling “Inferno.” Now, says Financial Times, US government scientists at a California lab reportedly made what’s tantamount to a “monumental breakthrough” in harnessing the power of fusion energy. In short, Times says frocked coaters working a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, “recently achieved a net energy gain in a fusion reaction.” That net gain is the key since no group [other than in Brown’s novel] has been able to produce more energy from the fusion reaction than it consumes.

As the Times cautions & assuming the Lawrence Livermore experiment can be replicated, developing fusion power stations at scale is still decades away. Yet, the claimed breakthrough could have big implications as nations try to wean themselves off fossil or even nuclear fuels. According to the newspaper, a small cup of hydrogen fuel could potentially power a house for hundreds of years.

Davd Soul


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