Inflation Has Cooled? Americans Ain’t Chumps
WSJ story got it WRONG in saying Americans are “still seething over prices,” even though “inflation has cooled.” Any shopper can see that only the “rate of price increases is down” at the grocery store, while the food it sells still costs over 20% more than in 2020.
It's hard to understand the unsophisticated analysis in the paper’s article that beats around the bush with Harris-like word salad explanations. For example, the authors write: “Many people – though not all – saw wage increase that kept pace with the pandemic’s rapid price hikes, but the psychological toll remains.” Huh? So, peoples’ inability to afford food for the family table today is just in their head, a consequence of long Covid they caught 4 years ago? Excuse me. The double-digit Biden inflation was not just due to price hikes due to the pandemic pandemonium, but also because of billions spent on Green New Deal mandates & subsidies that hasn’t put a dent in global warming. It’s so bad, it’s not necessary to even go into the many other progressive boondoggles, like billions handed out to illegal immigrants crossing our open border. But, the bottom line reality is the spending by Uncle Sam under the Biden/Harris Administration is so grandiose that the national debt now exceeds $37.5 trillion dollars.
Prof. Turley recently said Americans know “when they are being played for chumps.” Let’s forgive the WSJ on this one, they’re only journalists (lol). What’s unforgiveable, however, is that Biden and Harris who want “four more years” aren’t fooling anyone when they try to pin the tail on the elephant in the room rather than THEMSELVES.
Davd Soul
