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Inflation’s Dirty Secret Gens Alpha, X, Y & Z 2 C?

One dirty secret why lib Dems seem to love inflation that ruins working folks is that it allows them to reap higher tax revenues & pay off their soaring public deficits with “cheaper” aka printed dollars. Is that why your POTUS & Township pres are either snoozing or popping champaign?

Yet, as the WSJ warns in its “Economists Leery as Inflation Eases Public Debt Load,” one of the many flip sides to this manufactured "benefit" is that “excessive reliance by governments on rising prices is seen possibly triggering upward spiral in interest rates” for everyone else. Well, if the Carter Era interest rate fiasco is any road map, the above scenario ain’t a “maybe” but a “near certainty,” i.e., “if inflation stays unchecked.” Said Ricardo Reis, London School of Economics Prof, “Inflating away the debt is never a good policy.” No kidding.

Why exactly? The WSJ article focuses more on recent events in the EU than US. But, with all due respect to our Keynesian aka Big Government spending economists here in the States, common sense tells us working stiffs get it in the butt when interest rates spiral as they did in you know who’s administration and they try to get a home or car loan or see their credit card interest rates skyrocket. Baby Boomers know from experience. Generations Alpha, X,Y & Z are in for an education.

Davd Soul


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