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Inflation’s Ides Of March Bring No Solace 2 Poor

Inflation is an unrelenting tax on the poor & middle class and it’s going to keep getting worse, experts fear, as the DOL’s March inflation numbers reached 8.5% to near a new 4-decade high.

Just go to the grocers, the gas station. Or, open your latest utility bill. You don’t have to be poor to realize things are getting a tad ridiculous. Notes the WSJ, the consumer price index has risen that bone-chilling number because it’s being “driven by skyrocketing energy and food costs” as well as by “supply constraints and strong consumer demand”. We haven’t seen anything like this since December, 1981 when the nation hurdled its way toward a deep recession.

Of course, the “flip side” to runaway inflation is that the economy itself is “booming” & employment is there for the asking as locked down companies re-open, despite the ongoing pandemic. After all, how much of this lockdown crap can folks take? (Philly thinks we need to suck it up some more by reinstituting its indoor mask wearing mandates, even though recent studies by elite university professors at U of Chicago & John Hopkins indicate it’s going to do no good in reducing Joe Biden’s worse than Donald Trump’s mortality rate.) Well, at least any poor man can have a job while wearing a mask, even if he can’t afford to have his cake & eat it too.

Davd Soul


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