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Infowars’ Sandy Hook & MSMs’ Russia Theory

Infowars correctly ordered by jury to pay Sandy Hook parents punitive damages for hawking conspiracy crap, but as court debated whether it was fake news, did jurors make Trump’s MSM abuse claim over Russia crap?

Even The Washington Post & NPR, liberal bastions if ever there were any, referred to Infowars & its owner, Alex Jones, as “media,” even though that characterization, others say, is a grossly over-the-top stretch. Yet, regardless, why does the one “media” conspiracy theorist get zapped for his obviously fake conspiracy theories he had incessantly billed as “news”, while those who spent years pushing the obviously bizarre contents in the “Steele Dossier,” that even CNN called “infamous” while a Special Prosecutor bluntly found it “discredited”, are suffering no consequences … except, maybe the lowest “credibility” poll numbers in recent memory?

Not to minimize the Infowars’ alleged defamation of tragic innocents. But, the Russia-collusion conspiracy theorists divided an entire nation and led to two failed-impeachments of a sitting president.

Davd Soul


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