Intolerance Now Progressive Motto?
A Progressive journalist recently unleashed a torrent of criticism on liberal intolerants & said it’s the reason she’s ditched the Democratic Party where the beasts have taken over the cubs. Being honest about being sexually assaulted is what cut the umbilical chord.
It's the 2022 ordeal & liberals’ worrying about their own political agenda, not her, is what woke me up,” Ana Kasparian told Fox News. “The Young Turks” co-host let it rip on a Jillian Michael’s’ “Keeping It Real” podcast. The media host described feeling “politically homeless” as she started seeing an intolerance to debate & the free exchange of ideas … plus self-defeating soft-on-crime policies by the left that to her spelled inevitable harm to society. Says the Fox coverage: “She [especially] ripped efforts to ‘demonize & even dehumanize the other side [aka victims who complain about the lack of help from anyone in authority] while admitting she used to be a person who believed you could not be friends with conservatives or someone who supported former President Trump.”
The real turning point? Kasparian said the great ah ha came “when she was scolded by liberals after confessing she was fearful to leave her house” in the wake of the assault “by a homeless man while walking her dog in LA. “A few people even accused me of being racist, even though I had never disclosed the race of the individuals who did this to me. And in fact, they were white.” Kasparian alluded to “stereotyping” mania by these “blind” guides who “go around accusing others of being bad actors when they themselves need to do the work.” And, speaking of race, Kasparian said she has grown up enough to reject the Democrats’ “defeatist mentality” they show towards minorities, essentially telling them only Big Brother government, rather than themselves, have the Right Stuff to be successful in life, despite the world’s hard knocks thrown their way. Sound familiar?
Davd Soul
