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IRA’s Gold Rush Fueled By Green Greed

Why is Joe’s Inflation Reduction Act Kreskin-like? It’s not only the gift that keeps on giving to favored green businesses at taxpayers’ expense, but was based on clever accounting magic as cost now 3Xs Dems’ estimate.

As an incensed WSJ editorial board writes: “The Inflation Reduction Act may go down as one of the greatest confidence tricks on taxpayers in history. Democrats used accounting gimmicks to claim the partisan law would reduce the budget deficit. But now a Goldman Sachs report projects its myriad green subsidies will cost $1.2 trillion – more than three times what the law’s supporters claimed.”

Granted, the CBO had forecast the IRA’s energy & climate provisions would cost $391 billion between 2022 & 2031,” but it didn’t take into account companies would RUSH TO CASH IN ON THE TAX CREDITS, while the Biden Administration would “loosely interpret” conditions for claiming them, thereby making the California Gold Rush pale in comparison. A shocked Joe Manchin ever seen greed before? All he had to do was look in the other Joe's mirror?

Davd Soul


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