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Iran Plays Joe For 10 Billion More

Despite numerous security experts saying President Biden’s lifting of sanctions against Iran has fueled that rogue nation’s proxy wars against the West, we learn he’s given it yet another $10 billion break?


The WSJ editorial board fumed this way: “Is US foreign policy on autopilot? [This week] we learned the Biden Administration is imposing sanctions on another Israeli while reissuing a sanctions waiver that lets Iran access more than $10 billion in frozen funds. Its priorities reflect a policy that long ago was overtaken by events.” The short of it is, our Joe tried to coax aka bribe Iran into playing nice guy when he unfroze $10 billion in Iraqi energy payments in 2023 & again this past November and March on the progressive theory Iran would only use the money for “humanitarian” purposes. The naivete is staggering, the editors suggest, since those billions free up billions elsewhere “for the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism.”


Of course, the US has gotten NADA for this appeasement, although “Biden officials once whispered they were purchasing a pause in Iran’s nuclear activity.” But, alas, Joe’s Sec of State Blinken blinked & this week “expressed serious concerns” that Iran is again beginning work on weaponization & its march to joining the A Bomb league of Nations. But, didn’t Joe’s good will gesture at least inspire the mullahs to ease up on their terrorist enabling activities? No, not a bit. Asked the WSJ: Then, “what will it take for Mr. Biden & his advisers to recognize their failure & change course?”


Davd Soul


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