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IRS Going Beast Mode A Beastly Idea?

IRS needs more cash to update its antique computer system, but the Schumer-Manchin bill going “beast mode” to audit the middle class with $45.6 BILLION, 4 times current $12.6 B budget allows, is BEASTLY?

So suggests the WSJ editorial board: “Progressives want Joe Biden to unleash what they call ‘beast mode’ executive power & the Schumer-Manchin tax bill supplies the cash to turn the IRS into Wolverine.” The devil is in the details, the editors argue: “The pact between Sen. Manchin & Majority Ldr Schumer includes $80 billion in new funding for the tax man. Democrats claim this ‘investment’ will yield more than $200 billion in revenue. That estimate is highly speculative, but if it’s anywhere close to right IRS auditors will soon be coming after tens of millions of Americans.”

How so? While the IRS certainly needs a computer system that works, the taxpayers targeted to pay for the Dems’ latest $800B+ spending spree (that, btw, will do little or nothing to stop global warming & will likely increase rather than reduce inflation) are the middle and upper-middle classes “because that’s where the money is.” Indeed, Congress’s Joint Cte on Taxation scored Joe & Chuck’s new tax scheme & said “from 78% to 90% of the money raised … would likely come from those making less than $200K a year [while] only 4% to 9% would come from those making more than $500K.” So-called Subchapter S entities aka small businesses would especially get reamed, the editors warn. Meanwhile, another $15 million is also being set aside to “study” Elizabeth Warren’s idea of creating an IRS-run “free direct efile tax return system” ala “H&R Block” whereby the IRS WOULD DO YOUR TAXES FOR YOU. Huh?

Davd Soul


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