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Is Biden Worried QAnon Hording Nation’s Grape-nuts?

QAnon Revolution mania aside, the biggest conspiracy may be happening under our noses at the DC Swamp’s grocery stores & it’s gotten zilch notice from the MSM. For months now, I have been unable to buy a box of my favorite Post Grape-nuts cereal although the company keeps swearing it’s working feverishly to restock the empty store shelves. The French built the Statue of Liberty faster than this.

Most interestingly & while Post dawdles making tons of its sugar laden cereals readily available to our kids (e.g., Butter Nutter brand?), 24 oz. boxes of Grape-nuts are being sold on the Internet for as much as $14 per box. Check out Amazon. Brutal. The longer this Grape-nuts crisis goes on, the more conspiracy theories there will be. At least, I’ll fuel them if no one else will. Maybe QAnon bought up (& keeps buying up) all the Grape Nuts to drive up the price ala Bitcoin & is making a killing ala GameStop. Maybe Jeff Bezos did the same because he can’t get enough of the whole grain fiber goody & doesn’t want to share with other billionaires. Or, the White House just needs as much Grape-nuts as it can get its hands on to keep POTUS regular.

Whatever. America needs the healthier than thou Grape-nuts, if only to fight obesity, the number 2 COVID-related cause of death. According to the CDC, 42% of America is now obese. And, as usual, President Biden & our doctor First Lady have no plan to break the crisis’ back as they say they do for the crisis at the border, the crisis in our schools, the crisis in inner city violence…and, above all, the QAnon crisis that could one day lead to another riot on Capitol Hill.

Davd Soul


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