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Is Election A Referendum On Trump Or Americans’ Stomach To Finish Draining The Swamp?

As I get ready to vote I’m reminded of the driving force that propelled Donald J. Trump to victory in 2016: A burning desire among many Americans to drain the DC Swamp. Much has been accomplished along those lines, as a recent WSJ editorial noted, including via the historic appointment of 3 “originalist” Supreme Court Justices & 30% of the federal judiciary. Yet, there’s still much more to be done as the DC bureaucracy, dominated by lifers turned political hacks, continue to undermine our God-centric capitalist culture & economy. The Big Q in 2020, then, is whether enough of the electorate still chooses Trump’s real “Hope & Change” over Obama’s & Biden’s “talk & no action.”

The media “polls” say the President’s chances for re-election are slim. That WSJ article pointed to how many constituencies Mr. Trump has “offended” and may have lost this time around, even though 56% say they are “better off than 4 years ago”. THAT angry, huh?

Funny, I also recalled how Abe Lincoln similarly faced a sick media, boatload of political opponents & a bitterly unhappy citizenry in his 1864 re-election bid. The feedback of the day had even convinced Mr. Lincoln he was toast. Yet, when the dust cleared, enough Americans voted to let their president “finish the job” of ending slavery & the still raging Civil War. Could it be today’s election is again NOT so much a referendum on the sitting president as the media insists, but on Americans’ stomach for “finishing the job of draining the Swamp they had asked for”?

Davd Soul


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