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Is Faceless Harris Also Toothless?

Even a CNN pundit “scorched” Dems blaming Trump at DNC for “everything” when Harris is “in the WH right now.”  The flip side “Selling” of the VP sweeps her dodging of the press under the carpet along with her socialistic agenda. So, where is Kamala?


Fox News hasn’t been shy about publicizing the hypocrisy behind the Democrats’ coordinated, if fake, messaging at its convention in Chicago, but the WSJ editorial board was most to the point: “Kamala Harris [took] the stage on Thursday in the culmination of one of the most audacious bets in recent political history … That in 100 days Democrats can turn the co-pilot of an unpopular Presidency into the reincarnation of Barack Obama’s movement for hope & change. On present course they might even pull it off.”


That, of course, was the message Michelle & Barrack ran up the flagpole as they “extolled” Harris in their Tuesday speeches. As the editors noted, Harris is “no longer the VP who failed to secure the border … [and is now] tough on illegal immigration. She’s no longer the Veep who said ‘Bidenomics is working” while inflation reached a 40-yr high” but is going to “reduce your family’s food bill by prosecuting the grocers who are “price gouging.” Again, Harris is “no longer the candidate of 2020 who questioned cash bail & blamed police for urban violence. She’s now the tough prosecutor who as California AG went after Exxon.” Somehow, she’s also drank the conservative Kool Aid & now suddenly loves fracking, environmental impact be damned. Wouldn’t it be nice if she actually had the guts to submit to honest to goodness real questions on all this & more so the voters had a fair chance to decide for themselves what she really is about?


Davd Soul


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