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Is Joe A Ronald Or A Barack?

As if he’s Ronald Reagan, Joe Biden vows to do nothing diff after mid-terms even tho most think US heading in “wrong direction.” The Gipper was proven right. Is the Gimper mimicking Obama’s Big Govt stagnation formula?

Right now, I’d vote the latter. President Reagan bet on capitalism’s ability to send the nation’s economy into a juggernaut when shown a little government patience with lower taxes, reasonable regulation and gentle financial incentives that encourage socially constructive behavior to boot. The result was an economic boom seldom seen in history. Even the Soviet Union would throw in the towel because it couldn’t keep up. But, Son of Obama Joe, Friend of Bernie? After two loooong years in the White House, has Mr. Biden ever see a problem he thought his bigger-than-ever government couldn’t fix only to make things worse? Did Joe “save” the economy by excessive spending after the pandemic like Barack supposedly “saved” the economy after the 2008 debacle, only to send the US into 8 yrs of low growth aka stagnation? And, exactly what’s going on in Russia?

Let’s hope Joe’s no schmo after all. But, right now it don’t look like he’s a genius ala Reagan. Not with record inflation, little or no growth in productivity, runaway urban crime, waves of illegal immigrants swamping our open border, green policies that cost a fortune but don’t put a dent in global warming, and foreign leaders looking to Xi for leadership …

Davd Soul


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