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Is Next Pandemic A Shrink(ing) Violet?

Follow the money to see yet another progressive racket unfold as federal “advisory” panel says everyone age 8 to 65 should get “screened” for anxiety, no doubt, in a lucrative make-work for shrinks initiative …

WSJ’s Dan Henninger’s “The Next Pandemic: Anxiety Over Life Itself” reminds that it was just a few months ago that “the US Preventive Services Task Force – which advises both the Dept of Health & Human Services and Congress – recommended anxiety screening for children 8 to 18.” As the columnist opined: “One could see this [expansive follow up] coming – The ultimate pandemic is now life itself. It’s hard to know whether the recommendation of mass anxiety screening should be met with satire or chagrin.”

I say BOTH. But, Mr. Henninger suggests we NOT worry about this band of shrinks’ latest call to their arm chairs. He reminds: “The idea that we live in an Age of Anxiety has been common at least since W.H. Auden’s book-length poem with that title appeared in 1947.” The Covid pandemic may have helped the shrinks’ bottom line, but as the columnist suggests in conclusion, most Americans still know how to keep their heads screwed on straight without the help of a shrink.

Davd Soul


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