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Is Wray A Comey or J Edgar Redux?

Isn't it arguably misleading to think FBI’s feckless Wray is a “Comey Redux” since Comey was arguably a “Holder Redux,” as anyone who gets in their head to use DOJ as their biased policy tool is a "Hoover Redux"?

Not that Kimberley Strassel’s WSJ “Redux” piece misses the mark by comparing FBI Director Christopher Wray’s inability to control the “politicized” leadership around him … as seen in the agency’s unrelenting obsession with Trump … to the involvement of James Comey in the 2016 election & Hillary Clinton. That is, Kim's argument makes a lot of sense if the passive-aggressive approach she sees in Wray while running the FBI these days [into the ground] is really coming from a safer personal bunker than Shoot From the Lip Comey, that is, from behind the skirt of AG Merrick Garland rather than the skirt of what’s her name.

Ms. Strassel may have made the understatement of the year, however, in concluding Trump appointee Wray’s “bureau still faces serious questions about politicized agents & probes.” In her retelling the sad recent story behind the DOJ & FBI leadership’s role in prosecuting targets at seemingly the behest of self-righteous pols, it might do well to also remember the use of our nation’s law enforcement finest to “go after” political enemies arguably had its seeds in the reign of J. Edgar Hoover and was “molded” into an ever-expanding realm of causes by guys like Holder.

Davd Soul


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