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ISIS Thugs Plot 2 Kill Bush As Joe Fumes?

An ISIS thug is accused in plot to kill President Bush & the Iraqi citizen living in Columbus, OH allegedly worked to get more into the US via Joe’s way too open border? Does Joe’s daily outrage get triggered for this too?

The DOJ press release says its arrested suspect is “52-yr-old Shihab Ahmed Shihab Shihab” [no, really] who originally came to the US in September 2020 on a visitor visa & filed for asylum in March 2021 which is still under review. He allegedly was paid and “exchanged money with other individuals in an attempt to illegally smuggle foreign nationals into the US.” How? By helping 4 Iraqi nationals come into the US across the southern border to help kill George W. Bush. The DOJ’s charging document states that Shihab launched this plot “in retaliation of Iraqi deaths during ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom.’”

Meanwhile, Fox News says the US sanctioned ISIS facilitators this week in Syria & Turkey so’s to “expose & disrupt” the network of “violent extremists.” Great. Now, how about shutting down the damn southern border? And, maybe send Shihab back to the hell he came from?

Davd Soul


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