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Issues Not Smears Still Work, Stupid!?

While most Americans likely think BOTH parties suck at “defending democracy,” won’t the never-ending attacks on black Justice Thomas, esp over piddly perks that pale compared to what congressmen enjoy, “fuel voter distrust of Dems” & MSM?

The ”expert” cited in the recent Fox New story thinks so. Former FEC Commissioner Brad Smith said the ongoing (and hopeless) efforts to remove Clarence Thomas is the latest example of the “left” trying to “delegitimatize” the country’s institutions, including the Supreme Court, since they are perceived to stand in the way of their progressive agenda. Opined Smith: Americans are taking notice of the trend as well as the related “Thomas smear campaign.” Consider the polling results that fly in the face of popular media narratives & imply Republicans are more trusted to protect democracy than Democrats, if only slightly. Smith pointed to a Marist poll in Nov. 2021 that found Dems by a 1% point margin, were the party posing the biggest “threat” to democracy, as well as a Rasmussen poll from that same period that saw 37% of voters thinking Dems were the bigger threat to democracy compared to 26% who thought the GOPers were the biggest power gropers. Then, there’s Fox’s own poll last June reporting 46% of registered voters said “Republicans would do a better job of protecting democracy compared to 45% who said Democrats.”

Whatever. Those numbers look here like folks are signaling they don’t trust ANY politician or MSM hack. Personal attacks Chicago-Machine style just ain’t workin’ like dey used to, a South Side ward alderman might say. Smears against Trump won’t work no matter how many times Dem prosecutors indict him & smears against Biden won’t work no matter how many times Joe trips on a sandbag allegedly filled with Hunter’s gold coins from Burisma. In 2023-24: IT’S THE ISSUES, STUPID!?

Davd Soul


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