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It Takes A Equity Village 4 Dem Perks

Court delivers “major blow” to Biden’s equity agenda cause it’s “biased”? As a national journalist who saw Dem Machine’s brass knuckles mgt style, I can attest there’s few progressive ideas it plugs that’s not later twisted for political advantage.

So, there’s no surprise here, to see Fox News op ed wax about how bummed President Biden is because a federal judge ruled his party’s “equity agenda” aka largess to only certain minorities while excluding others is DISCRIMINATORY. As Dan Lennington writes: At least one judge finally saw through all the equity rhetoric & determined the real “goal of the [Dems’] equity agenda [is] racial preferences for preferred races.” It’s all in a lawsuit challenging the new federal bureaucracy, Minority Business Development Agency, that’s supposed to advance racial equity. But, as Judge Mark Pittman, a Trump-appointee in Texas, reminded, “The Constitution demands equal treatment under the law.”

As Lennington notes, the President may be trying to keep his day-one promise of a “whole of government approach to racial equity, requiring all agencies to affirmatively advance equity” … But, in practice, the Dem-led equity agenda somehow evolved yet again into ever-expanding “programs open to some races, but not others.” Farmers, restauranteurs, homeowners, federal contractors & others got “billions in federal tax dollars, so long as they belonged to certain racial groups.” And, dare we add, so long as they belonged to a certain political party?

Davd Soul


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