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It Takes A Reagan To Win The Future

There are arguably 5 ways Ronald Reagan predicted the future, from weaponized medicine to a resilient America in the face of mockery, but wonder if the optimist could do something about a looming socialist take-over of his beloved country.

Author of newly-published “In Search of Reagan,” Craig Shirley told Fox News hits many nails on the head in concluding, “The rare combination of sunniness in the face of harsh reality & his faith in American Exceptionalism gave the Great Communicator a gift to predict future events with remarkable accuracy.” The biographer detailed five specific ways No. 40’s “astonishing clairvoyance” has been not only been ”trusted” but “verified”: Gov’t would weaponize medical care; America’s shining ‘city on a hill’ would remain a beacon to the world; the USA would win [that] cold war; federalized education would marginalize parents & shortchange students; & the sun would rise again over America.

As Shirley says, Mr. Reagan was convinced HE could control American optimism through the right kind of leadership. And, of course, HE did in all of the above-mentioned ways, although No.5 as pictured in Reagan’s crystal ball is more than a little fuzzy right now. Yet, is there any doubt Reagan would have long embarrassed the embarrassing CRT rewrite of history; laid waste to woke cancel culture; thrashed today’s victimhood mentality; and slapped down a two-faced Communist China? The problem we face today: The EFFECTIVE as well as PRESCIENT Reagan’s not with us, while you know what is running the asylum in the DC Swamp.

Davd Soul


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