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It Took A Village Of Dedicated Servants To Rebuild USA

Honest historians will not only say the Trump Administration accomplished much, but that its bureaucracy’s leaders “Did Their Jobs Well” in staunching the nation’s steady decline on many fronts. So, concluded the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board: “As the Trump Presidency ends in the disgrace of the Capitol riot, an effort is underway to erase everything in the last four years as disgraceful too. That’s a lie—a Big Lie, to borrow the cliché of the moment.” Au contraire, the WSJ reminded, the men & women who served under Mr. Trump served effectively to address many daunting problems & “despite the hostility of the bureaucracy & press, not to mention a demanding boss. The WSJ’s Honor Roll includes:

Betsy DeVos at Education & Ajit Pia at FCC reform.

Larry Kudlow & Kevin Hassett on economic boom team.

Mick Mulvaney & Elaine Chao on deregulation team.

Jay Clayton & Eugene Scalia on needed labor reform & investor protections.

Don McGahn on enabling record judicial nominations.

Mike Pence & Bill Barr for roles in advocating/preserving the Rule of Law.

Mike Pompeo, Matt Pottinger & HR McMaster for confronting China on you name it

Not quite Hillary’s “Village People” approach and “far from an exhaustive” list concluded the editors, but this [gives] a flavor of the people & policies who made a difference for the better. A Presidency is more than one man, as we will soon learn the hard way as progressives populate the Biden Administration. The Trump Administration should [and will] be remembered for far more than its terrible final days.”

Davd Soul


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