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Jacobin Warren Threatens Justice On Roe?

Liz Warren was reported outside the Sup Ct screaming until hoarse & threatening to pack aka dismantle it if (as VP worried) it “dares” overturn Roe v Wade. Capitol police now erecting “massive” fence around building in fear of another Jan 6 riot? Will FBI investigate Liz & Kamala?

As Fox noted, the “fence” constructed suggests authorities may be concerned about threats to the court or to Justices” following that leaking of Alito’s draft opinion. In fact, Justice Alito cancelled his participation in the 5th Circuit’s upcoming judicial conference. And, a recent WSJ editorial went so far as to mention the unmentionable: Is it conceivable some Robespierre radical could do something short of insurrection to change the Court’s mind on Roe, e.g., take out a you know who so Joe & a Dem Congress could “right” the perceived you know what?

As one pundit suggested, is it time for this latest Supreme Court farce to be ended before it really starts, i.e., by issuing the Court’s final decision and not wait til late June or early July as originally planned?

Davd Soul


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