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Jan 6 Dems Condemned by Joe’s Inflation?

A Dem Jan 6 Cte’s doc shows its shift this week to “proving” on tv Pres Trump is guilty of sedition but “foolishness” isn’t legal grounds for any charges while Biden’s inflation policies ARE grounds for a conviction in court of public opinion…

The WSJ’s editorial board, which got a hold of the internal memo, first noted how we’re (AGAIN) going this week to be reminded of the violence on Capitol Hill & “how Trump betrayed his supporters”. But, they, like the Dems, quickly shifted to the heart of the matter: “The House inquiry into the Jan 6, 2021 Capitol riot launched its TV miniseries Thursday night & the trick for parsing the proceedings is to keep two ideas in tension. Do Democrats want to unfairly besmirch the entire GOP with the Jan 6 disgrace [most of which did the opposite of Mr. Trump before, during, and after], while distracting voters from 8.6% inflation and $5-a-gallon gasoline? Yes.”

Of course, it won’t work in the end because it’s all political theater & not that important to common folk far more worried about making ends meet in the real world outside the elitist Got Rocks Beltway. They have long since been wised up by the Russia Collusion hoax staged since Mr. Trump became No. 45 in 2016 by Hillary Clinton, the DNC, the GOP Never Trumpers, the Swamp’s progressive bureaucracy or Deep State & the biased MSM. The DOJ is supposedly “watching” the televised witch hunt & we can expect this trumped-up committee to “refer” their “evidence” for their man in Justice & yet another conflicted party to the whole mess, AG Garland Merrick, to “prosecute.” Something. Anything. But, like the two faux impeachment efforts the die-hard radical Dems are headed toward … you know what?

Davd Soul


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