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Japan’s Abe Killed 4 No Sane Reason?

Anarchists & terrorists have always plagued the world, but most recently it’s the crazies who deprive us of our peace as Japan’s Ex-PM Abe is gunned down for no sane reason with a makeshift gun by a shiftless 41-yr-old.

Just the day before, Peggy Noonan published a column about how the most public murders have evolved from having SOME basis in recognized motives to being done by patently “insane” men. Think Uvalde, Highland Park. “You never know when they’ll strike now,” she posed. “How can you take precautions?” Perhaps in much the same vain, the WSJ’s early reporting said of the Abe assassination: “Suspect … Tesuya Yamagami … told [police] he had a grudge against a group that he believed Mr. Abe was connected to.” So, an invisible rabbit told him so? Yamagami, as it happens, is unemployed after serving in the Navy for 3 years & took a bus to the campaign rally the conservative Abe was speaking at. “Inside Yamagami’s studio apartment … police said they found several improvised weapons [while] at the scene of the shooting, they retrieved a crude shotgun-type weapon made from metal tubes lashed together with tape.” A possible explosive device was also found there.

According to WSJ, the home-made weapons stash is “particularly alarming in Japan” because “Japanese law limits gun ownership [with few exceptions] to the police & military. As one 30-yr-old school teacher said: “What scared me is not a gun but something that may affect Japan’s politics or democracy.” Another 25-yr-old resident added: “A gun is not something ordinary people can possess, but it can be made.” Even by a crazed man. “It’s scary.”

Davd Soul


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