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Jesus Saving Netanyahu ala Lincoln?

WSJ’s ‘Hamas Defenders Weil Words as Weapons’ is about standing logic on its head to justify terrorism. What would Jesus say about that? He gave Lincoln an answer to his critics during US Civil War when accused of eradicating rebels … & slavery.

That answer from on High, of course, was “unconditional surrender” by Gen. Lee's Army & eradication of the CSA. As Mr. Lincoln famously noted, “God’s judgments are always just” & in that case it meant the POTUS not only saved the nation but ended nothing less than slavery. As columnist Gerard Baker wrote, however, that history lesson is not stopping pro-Hamas enablers & excuse-makers from airing their “rhetoric that seeks to convince us that right is wrong, justice is tyranny, terrorism is heroism.”

The paper’s separate op ed titled, “Obama, Hamas & Complicity,” notes how our own No. 44’s been leading the bugle charge for Hamas via veiled excuses for its depredations in Gaza & finger-pointing at murdered Israelis for destroying Hamas fighters cowardly hiding behind human shields. The twisting of words, Gerard notes, as well as logic (international law prohibits use of human shields), is nothing new. JFK said of Winston Churchill that he “mobilized the English language & sent it into battle [e.g., against Holocaust-addled Nazis] … From Pericles to Abraham Lincoln, words have often been effective ... BUT in war, as in peace, words can also be used to demoralize & disorient. They can be used -- & have been – more deviously by the enemy, and its quill-, microphone-and laptop-carrying enablers & propagandists, to obfuscate & confuse, to seed doubt in a just cause.” As for the month-old war in the Middle East, Jesus gave Lincoln the answer the CSA didn’t want to hear. And, now, Jesus appears to be giving Netanyahu the verdict Hamas doesn’t want to hear.

Davd Soul


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