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Jiu Jitsu Joe’s Hot Air Trial Balloon 2.0

Seldom has a president gotten more reamed for being duped or stuped than in WSJ’s “Biden’s Hot Air About Spy Balloons.” Turns out, China’s balloon sailing over US COULD & DID do summersaults over our military bases …

And, the paper’s editors argue, the Communists sucked up secretive intelligence their low flying satellites could not … IN REAL TIME. “Remember when a Chinese spy balloon flew across the entire continental US?” the editors began. “The Administration is hoping the public has forgotten about the February fiasco.” Yet we now know the balloon that entered US air pace on Jan. 28, flew over Montana, home to intercontinental ballistic-missile fields. Moreover, “US officials told NBC News the Beijing Blimp could fly in figure-eight pirouettes, lingering over areas of interest.” In fact, despite WH & Pentagon suggesting the blimp was much ado about nothing, it “carried a payload the size of a regional jet” & was “capable of self-destructing” on the owner’s command.

In other words, the WSJ concludes, Team Joe may have been letting America be at the mercy of the Chinese Communist Party to avoid damage or loss of life on the ground while the balloon was flying hither & thither across the US. But, didn’t Joe tell the nation he brilliantly waited to shoot down the nothing thingamajig to save lives on the ground? “We tracked it closely, we analyzed its capabilities … And because we knew its path,” Joe said as late as Feb 16, “we were able to protect sensitive sites against collection.” Or, did the president signal to the PRC yet again how weak & befuddled our country had become? The WSJ’s take: Joe’s excuses were “the same rhetorical jiu jitsu that tried to spin the chaotic US surrender in Afghanistan as a triumph of logistics.”

Davd Soul


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