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Joe Calls $450K To Illegals ‘Garbage’ As AG Preps Check?

Incredibly Pres Biden called a plan reported by the WSJ & NY Times to pay illegal migrant families up to $900K ($450K per parent) “garbage” even while his AG looked for Uncle Sam’s check book & House GOPers looked to sue them. One Biden supporter explained “the president may not be in the loop.” Well, maybe clue in No. 46?

It all started when thousands of migrant families had entered the US illegally during the Trump Era & the arrested parents were separated from their children (as has been the case, btw, in most domestic arrest scenarios). However, the ACLU & immigration activists helped about 940 families sue the US alleging discrimination & the Mr. Biden’s DOJ, DHS & HHS were reportedly in negotiations to “settle” those claims, the amounts of which, if true, would exceed compensation paid to 9/11 victims & families of soldiers killed in action. On Thursday, the WH bizarrely told reporters No. 46 is “comfortable” with such settlement talks. In response, ranking member of a House Judiciary subcte, Tom McClintock, is introducing the Illegal Immigration Payoff Prohibition Act, which would bar the current AG from thinking about forking over such a windfall for foreigners entering the US illegally.

“Who said crime doesn’t pay,” said McClintock in a statement as his bill was back by other GOP leaders. “Law-abiding, hardworking Americans have seen their purchasing power decimated by Biden’s economic policies while he has surrendered the southern border. Paying illegal immigrants $450K apiece as an apology for Trump’s decision to enforce our immigration law adds insult to injury.” According to the WSJ, the total payout by the Biden team could end up exceeding $1 billion, although “many families” might get “smaller payouts” under the current plan.

Davd Soul


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