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Joe Can Lick Covid In Single Bound?

Fox opines “Biden’s lies … are constantly dismissed, downplayed & softened by media," after NY Times argued Joe’s just been “unable to break himself of the habit of embellishing narratives to weave a political identity.”

In short, instead of saying Mr. Biden outright “lies” as Fox’s montage of instances posted on its website suggest, the recent Times piece preferred to concede only that “Biden’s folksiness can veer into folklore …” It is quick as silver to remind “Biden’s instances of exaggeration & falsehood fall far well short of those of his predecessor, who … delivered what the Washington Post fact checker called a 'tsunami of untruths'.”

But isn’t that the point Fox was making about the Times & fellow pro-Joe media types at WaPo? They can’t seem to call a strike a strike, unless it’s Trump standing at the plate. The Times piece at least DID list some of the more opulent Biden “exaggerations” that veer like a curve ball into “falsehood” territory. For instance: “The exaggerated biography includes having been a fierce civil rights activist who was repeatedly arrested. He has claimed to have been an award-winning student who earned 3 degrees. And, last week, speaking on the hurricane-devastated island of Puerto Rico, he said he had been ‘raised in the Puerto Rican community.” Noticeably though, there's no mention by the Times about Joe’s Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco being an “history-making success” as he insisted, the claim that the inflation-plagued US economy (that shrunk two quarters in a row under his watch) was in “great shape,” his belief his multi-trillion dollar Anti-Inflation Act was “paid for”, the rioters in the wake of the George Floyd murder were “peaceful demonstrators”, our overrun southern border is “secure,” and he could snuff out Covid with a single plan, if not bound.

Davd Soul


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