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Joe College Debt Forgiveness Price $1T?

More evidence suggests Biden’s student debt forgiveness plan’s devil is in its details, e.g., it may cost up to $1 trillion, not $300 billion as advertised. That’s the highly-regarded Penn Wharton Budget Model talking, not Clueless Joe …

As the WSJ notes, da, most “analysts expect strong interest in both debt cancellation and in programs that allow borrowers to pay a lower percentage of their income to keep up with their loans [and] the expected popularity of the policy could drive up costs and raise questions about whether the expense can be offset by other Biden policies”, er, vote buying government hand-outs. You think?

As a result, the total price tag for the program, in fact, could reach $1T, says Penn Wharton, whose analysis is frequently cited by policy makers. In fairness, the paper also notes other analysts say the total bill could be only $500 billion. Probably CNN contributors? Say it ain't so, Joe?

Davd Soul


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