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Joe: Even Churchill Resigned At 80

WSJ says world’s population has reached 8B & US portion is being led by never say die octogenarian birthday boy Biden? If Trump re-elected in 2024 at 78 & Pelosi retakes House at 84 will AGE as well as term limits gain cred?

The paper’s editorial board posed whether “Democrats owe the country a 2024 debate” on the topic of Joe’s ageless age as he says he’s seriously “eyeing six more years.” Ditto for the GOP, which is in the throes of debating whether No. 45 aka The Ever-Ready Bunny should get yet another shot at the White House, if based on his personality rather than age like the Ancient No. 46. As the editors note, “Not to be rude, but the job of President of the United States is not exactly an early bird special at Denny’s.”

But, also interesting is the WSJ’s citing of the Holy Bible in favor of the argument Joe should finally retire due to “aides who protect [the boss’s] weekends and worry his shuffling walk might cause him to trip.” The editors particularly focus on the Psalm that suggests “The days of our years are threescore years and ten … unless by reason of strength they be fourscore years.” By one calculus (not by Joe’s or Donald’s measuring stick] that means the most recent WH occupants are already too you know what. Then, there’s the historical reality that even 80-yr-old Winston Churchill resigned as PM in 1955. If not via the pine box or voting booth, then, by a constitutional amendment providing for an age limit?

Davd Soul


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