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Joe Fighting Putin or Proud Boys In Military?

Pentagon’s “equity” plan (mandated by Biden) to “help” the “disadvantaged” communities as well as fight “extremism” in the ranks might be a fine idea in the abstract, but perhaps it's a tad untimely when our shrinking troops are underfunded & thugs are creating chaos in Eastern Europe, the South Pacific & Middle East?

As Fox recently reported, the hunt for extremists in the US’s Armed Forces is coming up bupkis as anyone in the military could have told Joe & his progressive allies who for some reason think Proud Boys have taken over the barracks. And, as for making sure minority contractors get their fair share of military contracts, one just has to wonder how Joe’s “plan” is going to change things significantly when anti-discrimination laws & regs have been on the books for years, yet apparently the more things change in the DC Swamp the more they stay the same.

Is this, then, another case of political promises being more talk than walk?

Davd Soul


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