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Joe Gifts US Covid Vaccine IP To China?

The naivete behind progressives’ policies toward globalization & especially China is seen in the WSJ’s “Biden’s Patent Gift to Beijing” whereby Joe’s “WTO Covid vaccine deal undermines US intellectual property.”

What’s the saying? “A fool never learns”? Even after the PRC played games with the international community over the creation, release & distribution of Covid-19 that killed millions world-wide, the US recently signed a WTO deal that “lets developing countries, including China, steal intellectual property for Covid vaccines.” As the paper’s editorial board notes, “the White House is flogging the deal as a diplomatic victory. BUT, IT’S AN ENORMOUS DEFEAT FOR US NATIONAL INTERESTS THAT WILL BENEFIT CHINA AND SET A PRECEDENT THAT ERODES INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION. This won’t be the last time global grifters seek to pilfer US technology.”

Or, wealth. Recall the Paris Climate Accord, which the WSJ and other critics lambasted for its one-sided features that imposed strict & exorbitant requirements on the US interests and too often gave passes to every other nation. No, WSJ, Joe never learns from this kind of "Barack folly".

Davd Soul


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