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Joe Got Our Rocks No Jesus Feeding 5K Or Middle Class

The WSJ editors’ chilling “Democrats Are Killing the American Dream” warned about President Biden’s plan to turn ALL of our society into a “Medicare for Everything” governmental dependency: “If the American Families Plan passes, we’ll all be behind the same federal dependency 8-ball.” That’s “all” as in “Middle Class” as well as poor.

The editors explained: “Generations of similar welfare compensation eroded the American dream for many black Americans by disincentivizing upward mobility. Hundreds of thousands still live in public-housing units built for them in the mid-1960s….” The WSJ also mocked Joe’s canard about the “rich” paying for this ultimate “cradle to grave” welfare state for all disguised as universal health care, child care & college care. Agreed. Will never happen. But, what will happen with this “malgovernance” is “payroll-tax increases” and/or “a national value-added tax becoming inevitable.”

As it happens, I was reading in Gospel Mark the story of Jesus feeding the hungry Five Thousand ala Joe Biden, if in a remote region of the Holy Land. But, something struck me as different in the tale, making Joe’s more of a Fairy Tale than Biblical. That is, we’re told the Apostles pushed back at Jesus’ telling them “You give them something to eat.” They said to Him: “That would take 8 months of a man’s wages! Are we to go & spend that much on bread & give it to them to eat?” Huh? The Apostles’ treasury was not limitless & they practiced something called “responsible fiscal management”? The 5K had Jesus to bail them out, Joe "Got Our Rocks" Biden is only going to bankrupt today’s American Middle Class.

Davd Soul


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