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Joe Kissing Jill’s ‘Moderate’ Promise Bye?

You know it’s time to kiss off the economy … & next election … when left-leaning NY Times admits “long-predicted ‘cliff’ may finally have arrived: Inflation is expected to remain high later this year even as the economy slows & layoffs rise.”

What’s really worrying the radical left is not so much the tanking economy since, as Joe Biden has already blubbered the dirty secret, “inflation is our opportunity” to immediately force the radical Green New Deal on the country no matter what the cost. As Hillary Clinton might say, “It’s the upcoming mid-term elections, stupid!” It’s the realization that in just 5 months voters are going to the polls still suffering from high inflation, crime & border mayhem to tell the radical controlled Congress that was sold to the people as “moderate” what a stinking radical mess they’ve made of things. And, boot them out of office by 2-score or more.

Not that a recession, as No. 46 also recently suggested, is necessarily “inevitable,” even with a War on Fossil Fuels ongoing without let up. For that matter, nothing in God’s miraculous Creation is necessarily inevitable. Even Joe might still wake up one day & remember Jill’s promise in 2020 her husband would be a “moderate,” not foolish leader.

Davd Soul


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