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Joe Putting His Media Censorship On Trial?

Law may be “unsettled” in “Biden-Big Tech Collusion Case” but WSJ suggested judge was correct in ruling WH censoring social-media is illegal. Joe wants to appeal but if it gets to Supremes might federal power be rolled back like never before?

As the newspaper’s editorial board almost shouted: “Big news on big tech & free speech [as] a federal judge ruled … gov’t officials can’t coerce social-media platforms to do what the Constitution forbids the gov’t from doing … The issue in Missouri v. Biden isn’t whether social-media platforms are gov’t actors, but whether gov’t officials can be held responsible for their censorship. Judge Terry Doughty ruled they can & his 155-page opinion describes disturbing coordination between the gov’t & tech firms to suppress unpopular [aka conservative or dissenting scientist] views, especially on Covid-19.”

Of course, the Team Biden insists they have been simply “pressuring” Big Tech to “do the right thing” in towing the gov’t’s lines or “flagging problematic posts … that spread disinformation”. But officials, the WSJ argued, "weren’t merely flagging false statements. They were bullying companies to censor anything contradicting government guidance.” For example, “WH officials & public-health agency leaders” held biweekly meetings with tech companies “over how to curb the spread of misinformation during the pandemic … the President accused social-media companies of ‘killing people’ … [and] The private intimidation was amplified by public threats to use antitrust action & regulation if tech companies didn’t follow orders.” Judge Doughty concluded from all this that, while some disinformation may have been properly flagged, many were scientifically debatable.” It’s all there in the judge’s well-documented & articulated conclusions. Joe just might be smart to let this one go before the Highest Court also rubs his nose in his own overreaching dirt yet another time.

Davd Soul


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