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Joe Rants As CEOs Say Recession Looms

As Joe famously shouts “I don’t want to hear the lies any more cause we have the greatest economy ever under my watch,” most CEO’s now say a RECESSION is looming just months after Joe inherited a great economy.

According to the Conference Board, its survey of 750 CEOs & C-level execs released Friday 60% “expect a recession” in the next 12 to 18 months while 15% think a recession is already here. Recall the advice from conservative economists & pols when Mr. Biden first took over the WH NOT to do anything with the economy & simply bask in its Covid lockdown recovery? He ignored the advice, of course, & launched a War on Fossil Fuels, pushed for trillions in Covid “relief” payments by printing money (some, WSJ says, winding up spent on transgender & CRT re-education), demanded trillions more for a Build Back Better aka “Green New Deal” boondoggle, & winked at the defund the police movement as inner cities were struck by record crime.

Still, Mr. Biden blames anyone but his own policies & insists “inflation is worse everywhere else”, even though the opposite is true, again, according to the WSJ. Most recently, he threatened the oil companies he’d invoke war time powers to force them to produce more oil to hold down the record prices we’re now seeing at the pump. As ExxonMobil’ chief suggested, his own company has spent billions on new gasoline production & would have spent more … that is, if No. 46 hadn’t saddled his & other oil businesses with investment killing regulations, executive orders shutting down pipelines, bureaucratic slight-of-hand blocking new oil wells and/or making it impossible to frack, the opposite of which under No. 45 made the US temporarily “energy independent” & the cost of gasoline at the pump HALF of what it is today.

Davd Soul


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