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Joe’s 2024 Candidacy Sure As Abe’s 1864?

Did Biden’s SOU 2b-down on socialist & culture war agenda reprise “Lincoln’s Big Bluff” when GOP leaders begged Abe NOT to seek re-election during mis-managed Civil War & Rail Splitter told ‘em to wait til Atlanta burns?

It's not that big an exaggeration. William McGurn suggests as much in his WSJ op ed, “Will a Democrat Challenge Joe?” He notes: “Joe Biden IS running. Though some have called on him not to seek re-election in 2024 for the good of the Democratic Party – including 3 NY Times columnists – most observers know what one of those columnists, Maureen Dowd, acknowledged: The 46th president is in no mood to listen.”

As McGurn also observes, today’s worried Dems like Abe’s worried GOPers understandably want the president to step aside for a long list of reasons that seem to grow daily. From polls “showing most Dems” want someone else atop the 2024 ticket to Mr. Biden’s advanced age to stubbornly high interest rates & inflation to an overrun open southern border to … you get the picture. Yet, as Abe might have reminded the GOP pols of his day asking for a new party standard bearer whilst the Union effort seemed to be tanking, there’s simply no one else around really prepared to take on the nation’s huge challenges. McGurn similarly ties the issue to today’s president, Biden, by saying no one is simply willing to step forward to openly challenge the old fart. VP Giggles? Pocahontas Warren? California Governor Moonbeam 2.0? Mayor LGBTCLUELESS? Wretched Gretchen? Josh By Gosh Shapiro? Really? Musn’t Joe be thinkin’: “Go ahead. Make my day.”

Davd Soul


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