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Joe’s Covid Research Needs Shot In Arm?

Sometimes it seems like Joe’s Covid plan was to blame Trump, undo his Warp Speed effort, then, foot-drag on whatever? WSJ asks, “Where Are the Next Covid Treatments?” as virus mutates & NIH-FDA muck Pharma.

The editors summed up the dilemma this way: “Biden’s bureaucracy [has proven to be] an obstacle, as vaccine immunity ebbs.” Dunno. As the editors concede, the NIH, FDA & CDC tasked with protecting the public are in a kind of political Catch 22 situation, ironically, as they were when Mr. Trump was calling the pandemic shots (pun intended.) Gaining a consensus on any “solution” that may or may not exist is nay impossible. Nevertheless, the paper argues: “The Biden Administration is [strangely] foot-dragging on treatment development & approvals needed to save lives.” Sound familiar?

We’re told “the Administration wants Americans to get bivalent booster shots” that, btw, Mr. Trump warped to market, so’s to target early Covid variants. Problemo: These Omicron descendants have already been overtaken in US by “new variants that dodge antibodies from boosters, prior infection & monoclonal treatments.” As always to make a buck, Big Pharma has been rushing research to meet the new public health threat with new treatments BUT, the WSJ says, Joe’s agencies are often slowing down the approval process, perhaps in an excess of caution, and hopefully not because of “political hostility to the pharmaceutical industry”. As the editors warn: “As immunity ebbs, Americans are going to need more Covid treatments – and soon.”

Davd Soul


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