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Joe’s Federal Abortion Law Aborted?

Pres Biden may have nixed his party’s court packing scheme after the Supremes overturned Roe v Wade because there is no constitutional right to abortion, yet he demanded Congress pass a federal abortion law that would have to imply a constitutional right the Court in Dobbs just said doesn’t exist. Good luck with that one.

As the WSJ’s Jess Bravin noted, the Dobbs opinion overturning Roe for lack of Constitutional authority not only specifically applied to abortion cases, but showed how the new conservative majority views activist judges (at all levels btw and in various cases) who somehow find “implied” rights in the Constitution that were never there just to advance their political (rather than) legal agendas. Plainly, they DO NOT THINK IT'S LEGAL. That’s not to say lawyers at the ACLU & progressive white shoes law firms are not dreaming up more bogus legal theories for the Justices to chew on.

But if Mr. Bravin is right and as the Dobbs majority suggested, there are only two valid paths for the Pro-Choice policy advocates to pursue now in our federal system, in which the STATES, not the federal government decides local police powers, including abortion do’s & don’ts. One, they can pass a Constitutional Amendment, which would be like rolling up a bolder to the top of Mt. Olympia. Two, they can suck it up like they say Pro-Lifers should when past abortion rulings angered them & work within each STATE to pass abortion laws they can live with … as was the Law of the Land before Roe and since its inception.

Davd Soul


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