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Joe’s Inflation Euphoria “Detached From Reality”

How detached from reality is Biden’s pollyannish take on supposed “moderating inflation” now running at 40-yr high of 8.6% versus 1.4% in Jan or $460 more per month?

As Fox News’ Bret Baier emphasized that 8.6% “core” price number does NOT even take into account the bread & butter costs of living like food & energy. In truth, those “noncore” inflation numbers are even more staggering. For instance: Groceries: Up 11.9% ; Gasoline: 48.7%; Fuel oil 106%; Natural Gas: 30.2%; New Cars: 12.6%; Used cars: 16.1%. And this observation from WSJ’s “Peak Inflation Keeps Peaking”: “Everything in the supermarket has become more expensive this past year – eggs (32.2%), chicken (16.6%), milk (15.9%), even soup (13.9%).

Concluded Baier, the White House is “trying to grasp at anything” and people are seeing through its excuses that “just are not true.” As the WSJ concluded: Average Americans would have been “better off” if Joe had kept the trillions in pandemic cash handouts that have been “more than” eaten away by HIS (not Putin’s) inflation.

Davd Soul


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