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Joe’s “Insane” Iranian Oil Deal Could Be Crowning Blow

ANOTHER weird “diplomatic” move by Pres Biden is a rumored lifting of $10B in sanctions on Iran oil that’s fueling Russia’s war machine just to resurrect Obama’s weak nuke accord. Gingrich calls it an “insane deal” if Joe goes through with it. A Fox op ed by Sen Marco Rubio explains why we should be worried the insane could happen:

“For reasons that are still unclear,” Sen. Rubio warns, “the Biden administration has long sought to revive the failed Obama-era 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. Reports suggest an agreement is imminent, with the lead Russian negotiator in the talks saying Russia & China teamed up & ‘Iran got much more than it could expect.’ Whether that is an exaggeration or not, removing sanctions & allowing the sale of Iranian oil across the globe would be a massive victory for Tehran…a murderous, backstabbing and fundamentally anti-American regime.”

Just think back, the Senator suggests, to what the Iranians did with the billions in cash & favors the Obama administration doled out to them in the first nuclear deal in 2015. “They did not live up to their end of the bargain. On the contrary, Tehran used its newfound funds to develop its ballistic missile program, strengthen Hezbollah & the brutal Assad regime in Syria and crack down on domestic dissent. All the while, the Iranian authorities continued nuclear weaponization experiments at a secret facility.” So, don’t count on the release of Iranian oil on the global market solving today’s soaring prices at American pumps, Mr. Rubio concluded, but do count on it as “going down in history as one of the president’s most disastrous foreign policy decisions”.

Davd Soul


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