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Joe’s Latest Jobs Report Blows … Smoke?

Tired yet of hearing Joe belch about his “great” jobs report when white collar jobs are being slashed & many new hires are part-timers? Ever hear the joke about govt counting dead bodies or cooking the books?


That pretty much sums up the Fox News opinion piece by E.J. Antoni that argues the “December jobs report is a classic example of misleading positive headlines from the Biden Team.” According to Antoni, “as is often the case nowadays, the devil is in the details with these data releases and the Biden administration [or its MSM mouthpieces] isn’t going to tell you about them.” Among the “red flags” Antoni saw in that latest jobs report, is the 216K reported new jobs comes on the heels of the prior two months’ numbers being revised DOWNWARD by 71K each; about 680K people left the workforce & were no longer counted as unemployed; and about a quarter of new jobs were GOVERNMENT while many of the "new" jobs were part-time and/or many folks were being counted twice after being forced to hold down a SECOND job to make ends meet.


Antoni also notes the economy actually shed a whopping 1.5 million full-time jobs. And, the drum beat of lay-offs & downsizings or right-sizings will apparently continue. On Friday, for instance, the WSJ reported that Citigroup is to cut 20,000 jobs or about 10% of the bank’s workforce to cut costs and “streamline” its once heralded if far-flung services & operations. Another WSJ article detailed how “white-collar workers are still being laid off as “employers from Amazon to BlackRock show a continued push to do more with less.” These cuts, by the way, come on the heels of some of the companies conducting larger-scale layoffs over the past year.


Davd Soul


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