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Joe’s Medicare Mend A Magnificent Mockery?

Does Biden’s Medicare Cure From Hell prop raise state & federal income tax rates for some Dems over 50%, belie Obamacare's faux promise “most won’t ever know the bill exists,” & mock notion “Medicare For All” possible?

That’s basically the translated bottom line conclusion of the WSJ editorial board: “President Biden … rolled out a plan [in his proposed budget] he says will shore up Medicare for decades & we’re all supposed to believe the spin: looming insolvency [in 2028] averted. But this proposal is really a HUGE tax increase paired with prescription-drug rationing that does nothing to reform the health entitlement & the ratchet is only beginning” … as was the case in the Obamacare sales pitch.

As the editors explained: “Biden is proposing a top federal tax rate of roughly 42% & higher if he succeeds in his aim to raise the top rate on wages to 39.6% from 37%. Add state taxes in Democratic enclaves & [upper middle class] earners could pay well above 50% of what they earn to Uncle Joe” while enslaving more folks each year since you know what threshold was not indexed to inflation. “The plan is also a tacit admission that Medicare for All is a fiscal fantasy, since even current Medicare needs a giant tax increase. Imagine the rates required if Medicare covers those UNDER age 65.” Now the bad news. Joe’s scheme is a “de facto rationing of therapies thru drug-price controls. The Inflation Reduction Act under the guise of ‘negotiation’ allowed Medicare to cap the price of certain drugs & we warned that Democrats would never stop at only drugs that are esp expensive or lack competition.” So why’s rationing so bad? Ask again when you’re sick but a bureaucrat tells you it’s not on the Dems’ approved list.

Davd Soul


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