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Joe’s Polls & “It’s Bidenomics, Stupid”

Besides lying about the rate of inflation when he took office, Joe Biden is getting beaten up in the polls because, regardless, folks intuitively realize the average annual inflation rate during his presidency is 5.5% & only 1.9% under Trump.


So says the WSJ’s editorial board … or, the common shopper who is slowly but surely becoming resigned to the fact that the much higher prices they are paying for basics like mortgages, gasoline, utilities & groceries AIN”T COMING DOWN any time soon under Bidenomics. Not that Mr. Biden will admit it. As the editors noted: “Democrats & the press keep telling Americans that they don’t know how good they have it. The US economy is great, Bidenomics is the reason and don’t worry, be happy. Yet the voters, those numbskulls, keep telling pollsters they don’t feel the boom & they don’t approve of President Biden’s economic performance.”


The devil, as usual, is in the details. The WSJ cites a chart published by Dan Clifton of Strategas Research Partners, which demonstrates how “Mr. Biden’s average inflation rate of 5.5 % is second only to Jimmy Carter’s average rate of 10.3% … and Mr. Carter wasn’t re-elected.” True, Ronald Reagan won re-election with a 5.1% inflation rate, but he really did inherit Carter’s 10% fiasco & voters thanked the Gipper for his Hail Mary work taming the economy. So, maybe not so surprising that Joe needs to pretend he also inherited a terrible inflation problem, only this time from Trump, & berate the voters for not believing him or rewarding him in the polls for hiking Trump’s 1.9% inflation rate to 9.1% by June, 2022. Hasn’t inflation fallen now to 3.5% from that peak? “Voter aren’t stupid,” the WSJ retorts. “Mr. Biden took office & went on his historic spending spree. Americans can see that prices aren’t falling back to where they were when Trump was president.”


Davd Soul


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