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Joe’s Spooks Of A Feather Dropped YKW

“Biden’s CIA Assist in 2020 Presidential Election” … not just by its “Ex” spooks but by current leaders … is important cause it suggests how slippery slope can be from “politicizing” to “weaponizing” the democracy’s key agency.

As the WSJ’s columnist Kimberley Strassel recently reminded, “The agency, not only retirees, turns out to have worked on the Hunter excuse letter … Even new habits are hard to break, and that’s the case with a federal intelligence apparatus that can’t keep its fingers out of elections. It seems President-elect Biden on Nov. 4, 2020, owes thanks not only to a cabal of former intelligence officials, but to the Central Intelligence Agency. That’s the big takeaway of [the recent] interim report from House committees detailing the origins of the October 2020 disinformation letter about Hunter Biden’s laptop.” It’s recalled how Joe Biden’s campaign helped engineer a statement from 51 former high level US spies that cleverly opined the Son of Joe’s laptop had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” Natch, the letter gave Dems, their MSM allies & even propaganda-leaning social media companies the desired “excuse to dismiss & censor evidence of Hunter’s influence peddling, [thereby] removing an obstacle from his father’s path to victory.”

President Trump & supporters weren’t surprised by the latest revelations since for 4 yrs they had warned the federal intelligence agencies had not only been “politicized” but “weaponized” against them. As Strassel would suggest, it’s only human for spies to personally take sides in any election. But, she also said “the line was crossed” in 2020 by our then-current CIA leaders when they actively PARTICIPATED in trying to influence voters via that disingenuous letter by supposed retirees. Dare we suggest, in this case, the spooks of a feather flew together” in landing on a morale low ground?

Davd Soul


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